The opening of the new wing went ahead successfully despite protests from outraged pretty ladies in nice floral dresses claiming that the new wing would be offering medicine that was based on proven randomised, placebo controlled double blind clinical trials. The protestors formed a cordon of negative energy around the new wing to prevent access, which to their dismay had no effect whatsoever.
Talking at a recent press conference the Prince told a begonia that: “A lot of people berate me for being a flappy eared sack of shite” before he was unfortunately punched in the balls by a clumsy well wisher. A spokesman for the Prince of Woos Hospital Dr Goldacre commented that he “thought it was probably a bit more complicated than that”.
You left out Morgue A, Morgue B, Overflow Morgue C, and Extra Overflow Morgue D. (All full).
I thank you for the news
that the Prince-o-woos
has balls in which to be bruised!
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