Just to give you an idea of how much iWoo there is, here are the numbers of applications available today for each of the following categories.
NB I haven’t examined each application in detail, so they may not necessarily be woo apps, also I have no doubt missed a few apps as well, however the numbers given should still be a fairly decent ball park figure.
Paranormal Woo
Astrology – 65 Apps
Tarot Cards – 61 Apps
Psychic - 60 Apps
Fortune Telling – 41 Apps
Voodoo – 41 Apps
Numerology – 32 Apps
Palm Reading – 28 Apps
Ouija – 15 Apps
Dowsing -1 App
Religious Woo
Bibles – 479 Apps
Prayer – 230 Apps
Jewish -193 Apps
General Religion - 216 Apps
Christianity – 119 Apps
Islam – 91 Apps
Witchcraft – 7 Apps
Faith Healing – 5 Apps
Alternative Medicine Woo
Acupuncture - 21 Apps
Homeopathy – 13 Apps
Chiropractic - 12 Apps
Reiki – 12 Aps
Herbal Remedies – 6 Apps
General Woo
Feng Shui – 24 Apps
Conspiracy Theories – 5 Apps
To give you a few examples, here are some screen shots of a few choice apps that look especially silly.

Finally, On a more positive note, whilst looking around the App Store I also came across the CounterKnowledge app. Highly recomended for all iPhone users.
Gotta get me some dowsing. The feedback comments are hilarious, if not sad.
What's scary to me is that the most popular app in the BlackBerry apps store is a Mormon Bible. As if the Christian one isn't bad enough...
Everyone is familiar with the saying "There's a sucker born every minute.", and most probably believe it, though no one ever thinks that it applies to them.
With all these apps, someone needs to create a Skeptics Annotated Bible, BOM, Koran, etc... I admit that I've picked up a bible app for my phone, though I then spent several hours making my own notes based on Skeptics Annotated and EvilBible.com
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