Thursday 17 February 2011

Rupert and the God Delusion

Special thanks to

Neil Davies

for the fantastic illustrations

Other titles by the author:


Psiloiordinary said...

Your best yet!


Anonymous said...

let them have a GOOD LOOK at the CORNFIELD

Tony Lloyd said...

I've saved it to my hard drive. You never know when the Express will get in touch!

Paul S. Jenkins said...


(And I look forward to reading your defence in an updated Oz trial....)

Anonymous said...

absolutely hilarious

Bawruss said...

Beautiful. Powerful. Poetic.
Oh, and true, as well (nice little value added :)

Summitwulf said...

First rate as ever! =)

Anonymous said...

I have married into a familly of christians. Rupert the Bear is linked. A relative of the family was the guy who did the illustrations, Alfred Bestall.

In the interests of family harmony I will not be forwarding this link to them!!!!

Bloody good though!

Thomas Fluharty said...

Wow, very sad. If God is a delusion why spend any time debunking him. Delusions should be given no time.~T

Unknown said...

Well...because lots of credulous people actually believe this nonsense and they want to base public policy on it. And it's very clear that people who uncritically accept religious hogwash accept social, political and economic tripe as well.

Unknown said...

A great bedtime story for all the family to enjoy together.
Five stars