Sunday 4 October 2009

My Favourite Science Writers

Just glanced to the bookshelf to the right of my desk, and wrote down all of my favourite science writers on the shelf:

Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, Donald Prothero, Richard Feynman, Simon Singh, Marcus Chown, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Phil Plait, Steven Pinker, Ben Goldacre

Those at TAM London on Saturday morning should be able to break the colour code.


Marcus Chown said...

Dear Crispian,

I am so flattered to be included in that list! Especially as Carl Sagan, Simon Singh, Richard Feynman (who I was lucky enough to be taught by at Caltech) inspired/inspire me.


Best wishes,

Crispian Jago said...

Woah Dude, you were taught bt Richard Feynman! Awsome. Did he teach you the Bongo's too?

Steve Page said...

I was at TAM, Crispian, and I broke the code. :) Hat's off to you, mate - praise from Simon is praise indeed.