Saturday 28 May 2011

European Union Irrational Nonsense Labelling Regulations

New European Union labelling directives will soon ensure that individuals irresponsibly promoting potentially harmful misinformation will need to be clearly labelled. 

The directive will require the clear identification of individuals who endorse ideas and information based on potentially harmful and unproven pseudoscientific concepts or supernatural beliefs.

In order to comply with the regulations, Science, Reason and Critical thinking has developed the “Woo Woo Wheel”.  

The Woo Woo Wheel will enable consumers to immediately and clearly identify the key irrational nonsense content of each individual at a glance.

The Woo Woo Wheel is divided into 5 segments coloured in either red, amber or green to denote the level of danger for each of the 5 segments:
  • Harm Potential: Identifies the potential level of harm that could be caused by uncritically accepting the misinformation espoused by the individual.
  • Influence: Identifies the influential power or perceived authority of the individual
  • Conscious Con-Artist: Identifies whether the individual knowingly deceives or promotes false information for financial gain or ideological reasons
  • Supernatural Delusions: Identifies whether the individuals information is likely to be based on indoctrinated supernatural or superstitious traditions rather than unbiased, rational and reasoned inquiry
  • Pseudo-Scientific: Identifies whether the individuals information is likely to be based on pseudoscientific beliefs not consistently demonstrable by the scientific method
As an example of I have picked some notable enemies of reason and clearly labelled them with the Woo Woo Wheel

You get the idea. Feel free to send me any un-labelled enemies of reason you spot, and I’ll be happy to slap a label on them.

Hat tip to @Zeno001 for pointing me in the general direction of inspiration.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see an automatic generator for this, you set the values and the system spits out the appropriate graphic...

Zeno said...

Maybe something for The Quackometer to consider?

Deano said...

Can we have some climate deniers in there please? Lord Monckton, Piers Corbyn, Anthony Watts, Fred Singer?

Wendy C said...

LOVE that you have Dave Mabus in there at the end!

Michael5MacKay said...

Awesome. But isn't it David Icke?

Steelclaws said...

How about labelling some of the more potentially harmful alternuts like Mercola, Null, Hamer, Young, Rath, Simoncini etc?

Anonymous said...

On David Mabus I think he has harm potential if you consider the risks he may pose if you are a prominent atheist blogger.

Unknown said...

How about a blank version for field-labelling some people ourselves? :)

Neuroskeptic said...

Brilliant, but Mabus is surely a "green" for concious con artist. Only a true believer could act like Mabus for so long. Give him credit for that.

Alan C said...

I was surprised to note you missed out "Dr" Nancy Malik, homeopathy's number one apologist.

Anonymous said...

In none of your blogs do you mention that irrational and unscientific religion that just killed a number of people and injured many more - organic farming - where their high priests let you believe that natural cow manure laden with toxic germs that can penetrate into the insides of veggies such as cucumbers is healthy because it is natural. The lethal organic cukes killing Germans can be added can be added to the deadly organic sprouts, lettuce and spinach in North-America. We need equal time for all mumbo-jumbo, especially when the stuff can be deadly.

Unknown said...

What she said, we need this organic crap banned or labeled as dangerous stat.

Anonymous said...

By your reckoning, Mr. Jago, all skeptics must forthwith limit their intake of almost everything connected with their chosen target groups - there will otherwise be a serious danger of overdosing. Actually, you must have overdosed already - to keep it alliterative: bucketloads of Bullship, Balloney, Bollocks and Bunk from the lot of you, makes you and the rest of the world sick... The only cure is a lengthy withdrawal. No more SitP or TAM for you, if you want to shed all that extra weight.

pulexirritans said...

You can play "Trump my woo" with these, thankyou my night shifts will henceforth be educational and seem shorter.

Steve said...

Surely Gillian (Not a medical Doctor) McKeith has to have a 100% Bullshit rating. You've seen her tv show yeah?

Runescape Gold said...

I'd love to see an automated generator just for this, you place the ideals as well as the method spits out the suitable visual...