Friday 25 June 2010

Skeptic Park 3 featuring Dr. Evan Harris

Take a look at Dr. Evan Harris's parliamentary record on Skeptical Voter and if you would like to help to get Evan back in Parliament please join this Facebook Group to see what you can do to help.

Related Posts:
Homeopathy Evidence Check with Evan Harris and Ben Goldacre
Skeptic Trumps: Evan Harris
Skeptic Park 1
Skeptic Park 2

And Skeptic Park 4 will no doubt appear with the same tired punch line next time a fellow Skeptic falls foul of the forces of irrationality.


Neil Davies said...

Made Of Awesome

Miranda Celeste Hale said...

I really, really wish that this could be made into a show. It would truly be the Best Thing Ever.

Jack of Kent said...


Grania said...

Pure genius! One of your best ever!

Jourdemayne said...

I wish we could print this up and put it through the letterboxes of every voting household in Oxford & Abingdon West.

Genius Crispian!

Anonymous said...

It's fantastic...but...

There's absolutely no evidence that I can find that Nicola Blackwood is particularly evangelical (or fundamentalist). You may not share her religious views but I am sick to death of Dr Evan Harris' supporters trotting out this "fact". I say this as someone who campaigned and voted for Dr Evan Harris.

Anonymous said...


You better let the Conservative Christian Fellowship know so they can correct their website...

Ricardohere said...

And it's got me thinking about a comic-strip featuring all the Skeptic Trumps card characters... hmmmm... shame I'm not a cartoonist, but do you know someone who is?