Sunday 27 December 2009

The Ladybird Book of Atheist Buses


Daniel Pope said...

I found this funnier than Ladybird SinghBCA book. I think it's a lighter, funnier story, for one thing, plus it's basically Ariane's lecture from TAM, isn't it?

I thought calling a URL "funny letters" and "special writing" sounds condescending rather than just simple. Why not "website address" since you've also used "website"?

Pete Knight said...

As someone who read Ladybird books when he was a puppy, I found this parody to be absolutely spot on, in the same style as the genuine article, so 10 out of 10 from me.

I'll make sure every skeptic and atheist I know gets to read this blog, gawd knows we need a bit of cheer at this time of year.

Now wouldn't it be great if we could get some of those printed.

Terence Eden said...

Absolutely lovely. Bought back all the memories of my old Ladybird books.

BTW, minor typo on page 13 "little posters on special trains then run underground." should be "that run", surely?

Great book, hugely enjoyable

Noel McGivern said...

Excellent. I think Ariane was very clever. The religious people were not nice to her. Fortunately kind Mr doctor Richard was helpful. The Red pope man was the scariest of all. Why did he not want people to keep their hands warm when practicing making the babies? He's mean and cruel and nasty. I hope the book helps the sick people. I got it for Christmas. It is very funny and has some big words in it. Noelly

Frank Wales said...

Excellent. I look forward to the Ladybird Book of Ladybird Parodies in due course.

Meanwhile, page 15 has 'gown-ups' rather than 'grown-ups', although that is an interesting typo in the context of the Pope.

Roy said...

Absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for creating this:-)

Anonymous said...

If only someone on the left side of the Atlantic could do something so wonderful with Little Golden Books.

llewelly said...

"Then her toast set off the smoke alarm so she had to ask Richard to wait while she tried to stop the alarm beeping."
How could anyone miss such a clear signal from God? God tried to warn Ariane Sherine that she would burn in Hell if she continued to speak to Dr. Dawkins . And even after she continued to speak to Dr. Dawkins, God continued to try to save her soul from the fires of Hell:
"When Ariane came back to the telephone Richard was still waiting for her but the smoke alarm kept beeping."
But sadly she chose not to listen. Now poor Ariane and millions of others will burn in Hell. Satan will cheer, and God will cry. Worst of all, Ariane has no-one to blame but herself.

It is too bad we live in a world where atheists and Satan have so much power that it is all God can do to set a piece of toast on fire. But that too is the fault of atheists like Ariane Sherine; her predecessor Madalyn Murray O'Hair was much the same.

Anonymous said...

llewelly, after reading that dribble of yours i'm surprised that you aren't setting off some smoke alarms of your own. You Obviously are smoking Something.

Zeus bless you.

Joel said...

llewlly, are you actually saying that this mighty god you worship is so crippled by our doubt that he is reduced to overcooking bread?
Anyways, keep the ladybird series going, they're fantastic.

Unknown said...

llewelly, please end such comments with "[/sarcasm]" or "[/irony]" because the intended meaning without nonverbal communication is usually lost on the Internet. (Or at least I hope that you were sarcastic and you were parodying the stereotypical christian...)

skepticat said...

Another triumpth, Crispian.


Love the humour - do you have a blog where I can read more

And many congrats to Ariane for becoming President of the American Atheists. Apparently.

Christian (nomen non est omen) said...

Well that settles it then. Our efforts made Dog the powerless gimp he should be. On the other hand, He was never actually able to put forth 'clear' signs. Popping up in front of a few thousands of people and actually talking to them would have been a start. But no, burning bushes, dancing suns and smoke detectors is what we get. *sigh*

Nice one, Crispian :)

G said...


crabsallover said...

going from strength to strength.

Well done! What's you next campaign? Waiting...


Unknown said...

This is brilliant Ariane - well done! I do hope it serves as a consiousness raiser!

Anonymous said...

Maxim on page 8 should be maximum.

Unknown said...

Hi Llewelly - I agree with Joel and Gerusz – unfortunately your message is not clear. The first time I read it I thought you were actually criticising Ariane’s work (maybe because I don’t like, and don’t always understand, sarcasm). Anyway, I am hoping you were commenting ‘tongue in cheek’. The worrying thing is that some religious people/Christians will delight in taking your comment literally. So I think it will be good if you could clarify things, maybe in the way Gerusz suggests ...

Crispian Jago said...

@llewelly, tell us more

Jack of Kent said...

Excellent, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Ariane! We need more brave people to show the world that we atheists, humanists and freethinker aren't boogeymen or bad people. Xians love to twist our messages to suit their needs because they know they are losing numbers. Well, too bad that they have to resort to hateful things, which goes completely against what the bible teaches them. Too bad, also, that they don't realize they biggest holiday they celebrate is completely pagan and the very idea of putting up a Xmas tree violates biblical law. I believe it says so in Jeremiah. Anyway, bravo to you!!! Keep up the good work.

Jon Patience said...

Excellent, brilliant stuff as usual!

JC said...

The last comment about not indoctrinating kids seems very much out of place, unless the irony was intended?

Ricardohere said...

I've only just discovered this post.

It's nice and very funny and you are a very funny man and so is Ariane, but she's not a man, and I got her book for christmas and it made me laugh too except for Ben Goldacre's bit which made me sad that there are so many people who are dying because of people telling fibs. I am going to post a link to this on my Facebook page so it can make other people laugh as well.

Thankyou Santa ;o)

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Some sleep for ever, some do not want to wake up, some woke up already and some need a little push perhaps with this clever little book. I Like George Carlin hahah...

Anonymous said...

@ llewelly

Perhaps God should've burnt the face of Jebus onto the toast. That would've been a better sign than a random burn.