Saturday 6 June 2009

Watch Out Woo

Science and reason is coming to London on 3rd and 4th October 2009CLICK TO ENLARGE

Firstly apologies to the speakers for not using their official titles, but you know "Mr" fitted in better. Anyway, as much as I was looking forward to seeing Richard Dawkins at TAM London, news of his unavailability could not have been softened better than the addition of Tim Minchin to the line up.

However, this meant that my previous TAM London Photoshop effort had to be redone.

See you there guys


Paul S. Jenkins said...

It's a shame Richard Dawkins can't make TAM London, but I console myself with the fact that I saw him today at the BHA Darwin, Humanism & Science event at Conway Hall.

Paul S. Jenkins said...

Oh, and... nice work on the pic :-)

Crispian Jago said...

Thanks for the comment Paul, I was sorry I couldn’t make it Conway Hall today to see Dawkins. Last time I met him there, we had a brief conversation. Transcript below:

Richard Dawkins: Excuse me
Crispian Jago: Sorry

I might go for two words next time I see him

Anonymous said...

Damn, so wish I was going!

Awesome pic though!

Craig A. Mullenbach said...

Nice plug from Phil at BadAstronomy!

Crispian Jago said...

The gorgeous, intelligent and witty Ariane Sherine is also talking at TAM London, perhaps I could photoshop her over Uma Thurman on the Pulp Fiction poster