Thursday 11 February 2010

Return to Camp Quest UK

You may recall that last summer I sent my two children to Camp Quest UK. I also did a number of TV and radio articles to promote the camp; here is a copy of the Times farcicle from 28th June last year featuring my interview.

[click article to embiggen]

And here’s the full version on the Times website, you may have trouble spotting the difference.

Anyway, I’m pleased to say that we have secured a place on one of the two Camp Quests being run again this summer and India and Peter are both really looking forward to attending again.

Oooh just noticed a picture of Indie on the Camp Quest Home Page in a blue helmet. And book up quick if you want to go, places are selling out fast again.


Jimbobthomas said...

For over three seconds I was almost apoplectic with rage until I continued to read on and the ridiculousness increased.

I must say you took it all rather well?

Jeff Pickthall said...

How long will it be before some earnest fundie picks this up and attempts to use it as ammunition against the camp?

Sean Ellis said...

Good grief I am thick.

I visited this page every time you tweeted it and completely failed to realise that the picture wasn't just a link to the original article.

Have a belated "Ho ho".

Anonymous said...

Love it, seems we are all hell bound. Neat sarcasm, made me chuckle.

TK said...

Samantha Stein got a special award for Camp Quest at Secularist of the Year yesterday.