Saturday 7 April 2012

What Do Religious Symbols Say To You?

I'm sure religious symbols say many different things to many different people. Here's what they say to me...


cdogzilla said...

One "l" in "intolerant," mate. And an "a" in "dictatorial." Nice looking though. Not sure what's going on with the search links for the words? They seem random or unrelated. Am I missing something?

Stephen Tapply said...

Absolutely love these - very clever.

But you might want to correct chauvinism, tyranny and credence as well ;)

Crispian Jago said...

Only 5 spelling mistakes? That's not bad by my standards

maxim said...

Hello, nice animation. very impressive. Thanks for create it. would you please share the codes with us?

Martin said...

Is there any way to turn these into a vector format. (Or any other good quality image file). For printing on a T-shirt?