I know these are a bit lame, but hopefully I'll have a better idea soon. In the meantime ...

BTW, forgot to mention earlier, apart from the Carl Sagan quote in the previous strip, the words are my own and nothing to do with the shooped individuals - I expect they would have come up with something a bit more eloquent.
I've always thought that Pacal's Wager was a bit like the National Lottery: "You've got to be in it to win it" - which is of course true. But the likelihood of you winning is so very very small, that the lottery is still a very bad bet.
an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people....
At least we're on the same page...
Serves Em Right, eh, Randi....
I rather like Loki.
A lot of gods don't even require belief or reverence to them -- they just do their thing and don't care much about whether humans like it or not. One wouldn't have to go to any special efforts to satisfy them.
As an atheist I would lost lot of time and sanity if I decided to swith to a god worshipper. I am quite happy with my philosophical position as it has been built.
As a god worshipper I would lost the whole life perspective if I decided to swith to an atheist because my life values are built on the religion basis.
I am quite happy with my philosophical position as it has been built up too.
As a real atheist I have no reason to seriously think about a heaven idea - it is far from what I ever experienced and it appears to be just another human model with no rational support.
So why should I debate about possibility to get there?
As a god worshipper I could feel urge to "help" my neighbor to get there... but if I am clever I know when it makes no sense.
The whole debate is useless.
the end of atheism - only the blind and deaf can deny it...
an example and warning of the fate of those who try to divide people....
At least we're on the same page...
Serves Em Right, eh, Randi....
"Hello, I'm David Mabus"
"And I'm a dead horse."
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