Wednesday 31 March 2010

Pope Benedict XVI to ordain Fr. Paul Francis Gadd

During his planned visit to the UK later this year, Pope Benedict XVI plans to take the opportunity to ordain a recent Catholic convert who is quickly rising to prominence within the Catholic Community.

Fr Paul Francis Gadd only decided to start training to be a priest shortly after his return to the UK in August 2008 following his controversial missionary work in Vietnam.

Fr. Gadd sees the Catholic Church as the ideal vehicle in which to fulfil his calling. “I am especially looking forward to working with the younger members of the community” Fr Gadd told Science, Reason and Critical Thinking, “and I am sure that with my influence I can help them to feel touched by the almighty hand”.

A spokesperson for the Vatican said that Fr. Gadd will be a positive boost to his assigned diocese and once ordained by Pope Benedict XVI later this year will immediately take up his position as leader of the gang.


brian t said...

Hmm ... these flippin' atheists, no respect for Gadd at all. Who are we to cast aspersions on those who spread the message of Gadd among the children? When you've been touched by Gadd, your life is changed in ways we could never imagine ...

Neuroskeptic said...


MySickBones said...

By Gadd he'll go far in the Catholic Church; probably too far

azzythehillbilly said...

Gadd save us all from this radd.