Saturday 14 May 2011

The Periodic Table of Urban Biscuit Myths

A random selection of 120 urban biscuit myths, legends, superstitions and popular misconceptions that hold equal validity to the more familiar myths on which they are based.

Click the image below, then hover the mouse of each piece of delicious biscuity goodness to reveal the myth.


  1. Someone needs to do this for cookies so we Americans can understand it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Definitely Mars Bars though (Google ...) :-)

  4. @John,

    Yes I know, but you may have noticed that I've also changed the subject of the other 119 myths to make them biscuit related.

    Thanks for all the QA though, much appreciated

  5. I dunno, you have Oreos but you don't have lemon ginger creams...

  6. Excellently done!

    But Tim Tams are undunkable? REALLY? Bite off diagonal corners then suck tea/hot chocolate through one of them, then tell me they're undunkable...

  7. This is superb! You should enter it into this week's B3TA image challenge (Theme: "Biscuits") it's a ready-made winner!

  8. Crispian - I would suggest adding a cropped screenshot to your B3TA post - it will get picked up better.

  9. Bram said it! a Tim Tam Slam! have you not heard of these?
