Friday 22 May 2009

Support Simon Singh and Free Speech

A recording of the main speakers at the public meeting held at the Penderel’s Oak, Holborn, London on Monday 18th May 2009.

Event organised by Jack Of Kent
Recorded by Nick Pullar.

Part 1 of 5: Letters of Support

Part 2 of 5: Dave Gorman

Part 3 of 5: Nick Cohen

Part 4 of 5: Evan Harris

Part 5 of 5:
Simon Singh (Introduced by Brian Cox)

Special thanks to:

Dave Gorman, Nick Cohen, Evan Harris, Brian Cox, Simon Singh, Chris French, David Colquhoun, Norman Hansen, Nick Pullar, Imran Khan, Gia Milinovich, and Padraig Reidy


  1. Splendid! This campaign is going to backfire on the BCA by calling attention to the vapidity of their claims. By bringing charges against Simon, they inadvertently started something that they will regret. We at the JREF exuberantly support him.

    James Randi.

  2. Absolutely, Randi.

    It's a bit like the Neal's Yard fiasco in the Guardian a few days ago, where they completely underestimated the power and voice of the sceptic.

    I hope we can continue this upsurge - there is a lot of woo to fight out there!

  3. Does 'freedom of speech' include the freedom to insinuate, without proof, that other people are dishonest or negligent? Because it seems that's what Singh's statement amounts to.

    "This organisation is the respectable face of the chiropractic profession and yet it happily promotes bogus treatments."

    If Singh didn't realise that his sentence strongly implies dishonesty or absolute negligence, he isn't much of a writer. He can still write about the worthlessness of chiropractic treatments to his heart's content -provided that he doesn't defame the chiropractors.
